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You are my Son

Jesus is one of us - so what's true of him can be true of us too.

14/04/24 14/04/2024 Mark 1.1-13

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True Christians

True Christians believe the teaching, trust the promises, and follow the commands of Scripture.

22/04/24 22/04/2024 Quotations

USA13 view →

In the summer of 2013 I left my IT job (writing web software) and moved house to start a training post to be a vicar. Rather than go straight from one to the other, I decided to go via Western USA and Canada, in a convertible Ford Mustang.


NZ19 view →

In January 2019 Jess and I managed (what I hope isn't!) the trip of a lifetime to New Zealand. We hired a small campervan and drove around both islands for four weeks - and loved it! The only bad part was not being able to stay longer.


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I was born in Oxford while my father was doing his vicar training at Wycliffe Hall – where I also did my own vicar training, twenty-three years later. I grew up in a Christian family, and God has always been at the centre of my life.


There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence, transform a yellow spot into the sun.

Pablo Picasso